联 系 人:陈经理
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热线电话:0769-8535 8432
电 话:86-769-85358431
传 真:86-769-85358433
邮 箱:101@xinyangling.com
官 网:http://www.frptowers.com
地 址:广东省东莞市长安镇长青南路303号地王广场4区办公楼1906室
东莞市大岭山镇莞长路878号 YL&JGH大厦三楼(总部)
广东新扬铃电子科技有限公司2019年印度展会第三天新闻快讯抢先看:9月27日,2019 年印度国际电子元器件及生产设备展览会已开展第三天了,欢迎各位客户朋友们莅临午夜无码视频电子展台参观了解
Guangdong R-Yangling Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. news flash from India Exhibition: on September 27th, the Electronica & Productronica India 2019 has been open for the third day, welcome to visit the R-Yangling Electronic’s booth.
Looking back at the first two days of the exhibition, electronic innovation is developing strongly due to the growing demand in India's emerging electronics manufacturing market. This Electronica & Productronica India 2019 brings together exhibitors and leaders of electronic enterprises from all over the world. It is also a new platform for communication of electronic production technology innovation.
The exhibition lasts for three days, and today's exhibition site is still full of people. The products to be exhibited this time are our SMT products and consumables which have been selling well all the time. Our domestic exhibitions are well recognized and praised by old customers, and in India we are also favored by customers and friends from all over the world. There are a lot of SMT buyers had questions about our company, after the R-Yangling colleagues technical answer and popularization, many customers were satisfied, and reached the purchase intention.
这一次的电子行业盛宴,更像是一场收获之旅。期望通过本次电子生产设备展览会能让南亚市场企业投资和各地区国外客户了解午夜无码视频电子销售的SMT产品及耗材设备的优良品质。同时,祝贺2019 年印度国际电子元器件及生产设备展览会圆满落幕!
This electronic industry feast, more like a harvest trip. We hope that through this exhibition, enterprises in South Asia will be able to invest and foreign customers in various regions will understand the excellent quality of SMT products and consumable equipment sold by R-Yangling Electronics. At the same time, congratulations to Electronica & Productronica India 2019 closed successfully!